Friday, 16 October 2009

Deepavali greetings

I'd like to wish all my Hindu friends and visitors
A joyous Deepavali
May light triumph over darkness
May peace transcend the earth and
May the spirit of light illuminate the world


Ravi said...

Happy Deepavali to you too, tok mommy!

Thanks a lot for putting up the posting on yr blog.

Anonymous said...

Selamat menyambut Hari Deepavali kpd para pengunjung di sini yang beragama Hindu.

pemerhati said...

Happy deepavali to all Malaysians.

Have a good holiday!

Anonymous said...

Hope this year's Festival of Lights will usher good tidings and bring forth brightness in the life of all Malaysians.

Happy Deepavali everyone!

India-na Jone said...

Thank you for the wishes, tok mommy.

May this festival of lights brings better things to come for all of us.

Wish you a Happy Holidays well .

Lee said...

Happy Deepavali to all Hindus in particular and Malaysians generally.
Have a pleasant holiday!