Tuesday 23 September 2008

Muhyiddin attacks power transfer plan, again

Umno vice-president Tan Sri Mujyiddin Yassin (pic left) has once again criticised party President Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi's plan to hand over to his deputy Najib Abdul Razak, saying Umno members should decide on the future leadership in internal elections that begin next month.

"What has been agreed upon is only a convention. There is no such provision in the constitution," he told a press conference Sunday.

"We don't elect leaders unconstitutionally, we elect leaders based on procedures."

Muhyiddin, who has called for Abdullah to stand down before his planned departure in 2010, said the party must address internal conflicts and the opposition threat. (Read - Malaysiakini - Muhyiddin attacks power transfer plan, again).

"It is a situation which is very serious. It is of concern not only to Umno members but to the country at large, to the Barisan Nasional and people who cares about what is happening to the government," he told a press conference.

"If nothing happens then I am not too sure if the lifespan of Barisan Nasional, of Umno in particular, can sustain beyond the year 2013," he said, referring to the scheduled date of the next general election."

Abdullah has defied calls (read latest here, here, here and here) to quit despite being confronted by rare criticism from within his cabinet, (read here) as well as a challenge from opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim who says he has enough defectors to topple the government.

Read Bigdog's entry: Muhyiddin ‘berseorangan’ diatas, tetapi mewakili aspirasi akar umbi here.


Anonymous said...

I think Pak Lah is all the more determined to defend his post in the party election in December now that Kelantan & Penang Umno have thrown their lot behind the transition plan.

Anonymous said...

Umno is on te brink of destruction because of its own doing with leaders who practise the politics if self-interest, patronage and money politics.

The top leaders arent in touch with the reality on the ground and despite the results of the GE of March 8 which showed the dissatisfaction of the rakyat, BN/Umno are simply blind.

Blind & deaf!

Anonymous said...

Pilihan Raya Umum ke 12 an PR kecik P.Pauh menyaksikan rakyat sudah bosan dengan kepimpinan Dolah Badawi yang tak bermaya dan berwibawa,

Dan ahli-ahli Umno pun telah mendesak Dolah supaya segerakan melakukan perlaihan kuasa bagi memulihkan Umno.

Tapi beliau masih engan, masih tidak mahu melepaskan jawatan dan bersara.

Beliaulah satu2nya faktor yang telah btanggungjawab membawa Umno ke tahap kehancuran,

Anonymous said...

TS Muhyiddin adalah satu2nya pemimpin Umno yang konsisten dengan menentang sistem kuota yg dianggapnya sebagai menyekat ahli2 Umno dari bertanding jawatan no. 1 dan 2 dalam parti dan ini bertentangan dengan proses demokrasi

Beliau dikatakan di antara nama2 pemimpin yang disebut sebagai pilihan utama yang layak bertanding jawatan no 2 parti.

Menurut blogger bigdog ini adala merupakan "hasrat sebenar sanubari majoriti akar umbi."

Sama ada ini merupakan trend yang betererusan, sama2 kita tunggu dan lihat apabila bahagian Umno memulakan mesyuarat bulan depan.

Anonymous said...

What has been agreed upon is only a convention. There is no such provision in the constitution," he told a press conference Sunday.

"We don't elect leaders unconstitutionally, we elect leaders based on procedures."

Those are Muhyidin's words. Since when UMNO respects its own constitution. Mahathir used to stop contest for President and Deputy President although contest shud be held once in 3 yrs. I didn't hear Muhyidin protesting then, simply because he didn't stand to benefit anything from it. But now he's eying the No 2 post. See how UMNO blokes raise issues, only if they benefit them.

frm: anti selfishness

Lee said...

AAB's Agonising (2)

Why, oh why the impertinence
Two years or so is what I need
To finish my unfinished "business"

Why, oh why the impatience
Two years or so is what I need
To be remembered as the Father of "something"

Why, oh why the focus on my imcompetence
Two years or so is what I need
To establish my legacy.

I have big ears and am listening..
Give me the chance to do "something"
Empower me to do the right thing

Then, I can be remembered
Not only as the father of Kamaludin
Or the jailer of Kamaruddin

But, someone who is God-fearing
And have persisted in fighting
For the rights of everyone and everything!

Anonymous said...

Dia punya attack tu ada makna tu. Bukan ikhlas sebab apa2 pun.. Sendiri pun mengharap diri nak naik..