"I am not surprised over the disappointment and even anger towards the government's decision on the teaching of maths and science," he said in his latest posting.
"Seems to me like the government is not listening to the voice of the people," he added.
In view of this, Dr Mahathir said that a blog poll might enlighten the government as to the opinions of the people.
Visitors to his blog can take a vote as to whether they support or oppose the decision to teach Maths and Science in Bahasa Malaysia.
“ If you support just say Yes. If you don't please say No.”.
“I will then try to let the Government know your opinion.”
Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Education Tan Sri Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced that from 2012, the two subjects will be taught in Bahasa Malaysia at national schools.
Expressing sadness on the policy reversal, he said yesterday that schoolchildren would find it difficult to know more about the developments in the field of Science.
Dr Mahathir, who was behind the original policy of teaching both subjects in English, said his intention was to ensure that Malaysians were able to face global challenges at the earliest opportunity.
He said that although the government had sought his views on the matter, it was not reflected in the decision.
The former premier also denied Tan Sri Muhyiddin's statement that he was 'consulted'.
I am also sad that the government has decided to scrap PPSMI.I went to Dr Mahathir's blog and saw that the number of those against the decision is overwhelming more than that who support it.
So will the government take into account the opinions of the people?
I am very disappointed with the Govet's decision and strongly disagree with the reversal policy.
How can we be competitive when books in these two subjects are lacking in BM?
To a Malaysian malay,
I doubt the govt will consider the views of the people. Despite Muhyiddin's denial that the reversal policy was a political decision, I dont think the rakyat will buy it.
Since when has policy decision of the ruling govt is non-political?
Whatever it is, I dont support the move. And for once I agree with our Tun.
Komen2 yang saya baca di kebanykan blog tidak mneyokong keputusan kerajaan.
Tapi saya ingin mengucapakan syabas kpd T.S, Muhyiddin kerana mendaulatkan bahasa ibunda sambil memantapkan lagi Bahasa Inggeris.
Menurut Muhyiddin hanya segelintir guru menggunakan BI sepenuhnya dlm pengajaran Sains dan matematik.
Mengapa salahkan mereka? Tidakkah kementerian membuat peruntukkan untuk melatih mereka mengajar dlm bahasa tersebut samasa 6 tahun/sebelum PPSMI dilaksanakan?
Salah siapa?
A commentator posted this at one of the blogs. It is circular from the Sports Director of UiTM to his INTERNATIONAL counterparts.
Malu mah!
Dear Sport Friends,
Regarding about the global issue H1N1 happens around the world, sadly to be informing that our UiTM International Sports Fiesta will be postponing to 19-23 November 2009.
For all teams which have been confirm to participate in our events, we have to say sorry for this announcements and our Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Health also advise to us to change the date for this current situation.
By the date have been confirm incoming this November hopefully your teams still can participate in our event and don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.
And again, we would like to say sorry about the date change for the sake of our health among us.
See you in this November at UiTM Malaysia!!
Mr. Mustaza Ahmad
Sports Centre
Universiti Teknologi MARA
the postman
anonymous @8:36
This is indeed emabarrassing. The fact that the writer is a director (even though not an academic staff) in an institution of higher learning says a lot about the level of English proficiency in this country. He could have gotten someone to check his grammar before ending the circular out. But I guess he thought his English was good.
Delusional, like the politicians.
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