There's not much news on her in the papers either. Even the police admit they aren't getting much information from the public and the lack of information is affecting their investigation although the operation to find her is still going on. Thank God for that!
While I am praying and hoping that Sharlinie, who turned five yesterday, is being kept safe somewhere, I came across this news while reading the Sun online. The news is worrying.
The headline says There was an attempt to abduct a five-year-old girl in Pusat Bandar Puchong.
The incident happened last week.
The story is very familiar. Two siblings (12 and 5 years) were playing with each other (outside a restaurant while their parents were having dinner) when a black coloured van pulled up and a man emerged and lured the younger one with a sweet.
When the girl took the sweet, the man tried to bundle her into the van.
The man tried to push the elder sister into the van too when she tried to pull her sister away. But he got back into his van and sped away when two women passers-by went to check the commotion.
The elder sister related the incident only after they reached home to the parents who subsequently lodged a police report. But I find it strange that the report was not covered by the media.
The incident could shed some light and give fresh leads to the ongoing investigation on Nini and maybe, just maybe, the man is connected to cases of missing children. (read tembam's entry here )
Read "Attempted AbductionsWhat Parents & Guardians Need to Know": here