The rain did not dampen the spirit of the people who wanted a message sent to the Agong, and to the increasingly detached and arrogant leaders of this nation.

The crowd was easily 30 times more than the Bar Council's "Walk for Justice", says Ahiruddin Attan/Rocky, who joined more than 60,000 Malaysians in the walk to the Istana Negara.

Police used teargas

... and water cannons to disperse...

...the crowd who tried to march from Jalan Tun Perak to Dataran Meredeka despite threats from the Prime Minister, Pak Lah, and the IGP

One of the 245 people who were detained

But they finally made it when BERSIH's representative Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad Nawawi succeeded in handing its memorandum to an Istana Negara official at around 4pm, cheered by thousands of Malaysians who braved the rain, and the police's water cannons and tear gas. And their mission accomplished.
More reports & pix by AlJazeerah here, jeffooi, Rockybru , Harakah, Shanghaifish
Also, for more pix, go to sagaladoola
In case you didn’t see the Al Jazeerah TV coverage, Marina Mahathir has it here
And read BERSIH Rally in London here
pix: courtesy of rockybru, shanghaifish Wee Choo Keong,Harakah.

Kak Ton,
The huge crowd that defied police warning and threat gave a glimmer of hope. They are the soul and spirit of Malaysia. They put their lives and limbs on the line for the future of the next generations.
Despite the logistic nightmare of such mammoth rally, the organisers managed to instil discipline.
Kak Ton,
and i heard the interview with Zam on AlJazeera and how he made a fool of himself...and he is our Information Minister
kak ton
Here's what I got from bernama. Zam Refutes Al Jazeera's Claim Police Used Force On Protesters
Follow this link:
aiseh. i really need to hear first-hand story from rocky and capt yusof on this memorable event.
this week's MRT ON ke, aunty?
hi&lo:Yes, this is the beginning, a great beginning. The turn out, I think,is beyond the expectation of the organisers. Just look at all the photos. Yet Bernama came up with a figure of 4,000. I guess it is expected, being a Government news agency.
Our our politicians must be reminded that they cannot take the rakyat for fools.
Congratulations to all the organisers who made it happened and all the paricipants who were there to join the walk yesterday.
zaitgha: I saw it. It's unbelievable that an information Minister and former journalist is so goblok.
Yes, he made such a fool of himself that I am so ashamed to have him as our Iormation Minister.
You know that Anwar Ibrahim was interviewed later by Al Jazeerah & he gave a fairly good one.
adik: Thanks for the link. I wasnt there to confirm, tapi bila tengok news coverage by Al Jazeerah, ada juga members of the public yang ambil bahagian were manhandled.
Kerp: Sorrylah, this Tuesday tak ada MRT because I have an urgent matter to attend to.
Ah, can't wait for our next "yellow" day. I am referring to your mi rebus, Kak Ton -- yellow noodle and the golden kuah ....
Kesian la you Kerp. Looks like we'll have to wait a bit, eh.
Kak Ton,
100,000 people culd have easily been there if they didnt stop all entry to KL. What the hack they downplaythe number of attendance some more. Irresponsible reporting by a National News Agency. Who would believe them the next time they report something? Now they are confirmed a liar.
aunty maria,
ok ot it. no worries. i wasnt sure i can make it anyway.
Zawi: The bersih “yellow” walk reminds of the reformasi days following the expulsion of AI. I was there at the first rally at Masjid Negara and later at the Dataran Merdeka. Thousands attended the rallies, people from all walks of life, of all ages … young & old and there were many who brought their children. Yet the coverage in the mainstream media on those rallies was minimal. The rakyats' frustatrtions were later translated into votes when the BN lost Terengganu and Kelantan to the Oppositions and lost some seats. So I think the Government must take heed of this rally/march. Pak Lah can't afford to dismiss it as “demonstratsi jalanan.” Otherwise, his hope of a repeat of the BN Big victory in the 2004 G. election will remain a dream.
Yes, I do agree with, the figure could have been higher, no I am SURE the figure would be higher, hadnt the police condoned off the areas surrouding Dataran Merdeka.
rocky: Going through a"withdrawal" syndrome? Lol!!
zawi: Would like to add this to my comment earlier "... following AI expulsion from the party and the Government."
Salam Kak Ton,
I was told that Singapore tv news reported the marchers were in excess of the 100,000!
Were you the one, at one time ago working with JDA.
cakapaje: Am sorry I dont have access to TV S'pore. But the figure given by Bernama (4,000) was grossly inaccurate. Bernama conveniently dropped one "zero" from the figure.
Rocky said it was about 60,000 (and I believe him since he was there).
And it could be more. There is no way we could get the precise number, but judging from the sheer size of the crowd, it certainly could not be a mere 4,000.
sakkri zakaria: I was a journalist with Bernama, the Star and the NST. Have never wroked anywhere else.
Seen the AlJazeera tape and read the report online and elsewhere. People, it's been 50 years of this ('Trust us, we're the government, MPs, your local council, whatever ...'). Pak Lah didn't invent these crackdowns; that happened a long time ago. I'd say all PMs past have wielded this weapon of convenience. The sad thing is that Pak Lah isn't stopping it. But he ain't the creator of this monster.
I agree with you. Pak Lah wasnt the monster who created it. But he is in a position to stop it, and he aint doing anything abt it.
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