“We regret that unfortunate the`fiercest’among them was someone known to be a lawyer and member of parliament who pretentiously claimed himself to be representing all Muslims,” said Syed Husin in referring to Zulkifli (Noordin). (Read Rocky'sbru here and Nuraina's here)
“We take seriously the rough action by a small band of the demonstrators who shouted rude and uncivilized language against some of the organizers and participants of the seminar,” said Syed Husin.
The former academic was clearly unwilling to make any concessions to Zulkifli, and it will be interesting to see how PKR deals with the Kedah MP in the aftermath of Saturday event.
He also criticized the failure of the police force in controlling the situation but instead appeared to be collaborating with some of the demonstrators who were planning to force their way into the hall to stop the forum.
However, Syed Husin state the PKR agreed with de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s view that the dialogue session should have been organised behind closed doors “in view of the sensitive reactions and wrong perception among a section of the Malay-Muslim population.”
“We are in full support of holding inter-religious dialogues that promote nderstanding rather than unilateral events that could create ethnic and religious dissension.
“It (Bar Council) should have acted wisely and speedily to announce that the seminar would be held behind closed door to avoid any unhealthy consequence on inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations in this country,” he concluded.
Other Pakatan Rakyat leaders and NGOs have expressed similar sentiments regarding the forum at the Bar Council headquarters.
Excerpts from Malaysiakini
Wise man. This Kedah MP should really reflect on his profesionalism. He can't be multiracial wearing an MP cap and racist when wearing a different cap.
i don't know. i always feel that malaysians are double standards too. they are very critical on PR but very easy on BN.
perhaps we are used to BN doing all the wrongdoing and it's pointless to condemn them anymore. and we are condemning PR severely because we don't wanna see PR to turn into another BN.
This is ridiculous.
Why do you not ask BeeEnd component parties to make their stand also?
Did you not see UMNO was even more virulent in the attacks on that day?
To the idiot commentors who say dont vote Pakatan or DSAI, what is your alternative??
you think ultras like Hamid Albar and Najis Razak will let you have your open forums???
it's sad to see when someone who is a lawyer and an MP act like a hooligan.this kind of behaviour should not tolerated in any political party at all.we want leaders that is wise and can see things clearly using common sense nor emotionally.
it seems pointless when MP like that hide behind a multiracial political party but condone racism.
Hello guy before you make any comment please note that we demo because its concerning our RELIGION not our RACE.. so dont you confuse between those two.. if you want equality regarding races yes we agreed but if you not a muslim so dont ever talk about our RELIGION..
And futhermore this Syed Husin Ali should keep his mouth shut.. or he have to speak out because his LORDS from DAP and PKR (non Muslim) ask him to do so???
The video by Malaysiakini showed that there were other silent instigators in the protest crowd.
There were other familiar MPs present who were very much engaged in the protest.
A full investigation need to be carried out, if you want to see justice done.
tok mommy,
i always resist talking openly -- not about Islam -- but about issues in Islam that affect non-Muslims. Simply because these issue have not been tackled effectively before behind closed-doors.
that said, i am sure malaysians are today mature and ready to discuss them in a way that will not hurt anyone, including Muslims.
the problem with the Bar Council forum is that the title of the forum was, in the first place, very deceptive. also probably, people don't trust the bar council anymore....
Religions and races are different aspects lee. Don't get mix up.
I agree with ketam. Religion issues are very sensitive. All people know that either. Raising up such issues can cause alot of trouble, why must do those forums now? Why in the middle of unstable of politics they tend to fill in more stress? These could be used by politicians for their advantage.
Agree too with staygold. Politicians must handle issues with wise brains not emotions, yet in a multiracial party politics but condoning racism.
all human are descedant keturunan
adam dan mawa (adam and eve)
christian follow the teaching of Jesus.
in the Quran Jesus is known as Nabi Isa. In fact the Quran
recognises Jesus as a prophet of Allah.
The Muslim follow the teaching of
Nabi Mohammad who is another prophet of Allah.
Both religion are from the holy land.
christian and muslim
are in fact brothers and should not be quarelling among each other.
Christian follow the teaching
of Nabi Isa and Muslim follow the teaching of Nabi Mohammad and there will be great peace on earth.
In fact Muslim has been using the name of Jesus (Isa).
Former menteri besar of NS
is called Mohamad Isa
and the current
Perlis MB is called Mat Isa.
check out more sources from the internet on this two great religion.
Religions and races are different aspects lee. Don't get mix up.
I agree with ketam. Religion issues are very sensitive. All people know that either. Raising up such issues can cause alot of trouble, why must do those forums now? Why in the middle of unstable of politics they tend to fill in more stress? These could be used by politicians for their advantage.
Agree too with staygold. Politicians must handle issues with wise brains not emotions, yet in a multiracial party politics but condoning racism.
1. sekarang orang Melayu tidak lagi nampak mana-mana parti sebagai pejuang nasib orang Melayu. Hak orang melayu semakin terhakis.
2. sekarang orang Melayu tidak lagi nampak mana-mana parti sebagai pejuang agama islam. Agama islam semakin tercabar secara terbuka.
3. kemana perginya parti yang kononnya pejuang nasib orang Melayu. Kemana perginya parti yang kononnya pejuang agama islam. Melayu semakin bingung.
4. Melayu cuma bijak berbalah sesama sendiri. Orang lain memang lama menunggu peluang ini. Melayu masih lagi belum sedar.
5. Melayu resah-gelisah dan tak tau arah akan haluan yang nak dituju. Melayu semakin bimbang.
6. Jangan salahkan orang lain bila bumi dipijak, milik orang. Melayu semakin hilang segala-galanya.
7. sekarang sampai masanya, mencari titik persamaan, orang melayu mesti kembali bersatu.
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