Wanita Umno has reportedly declared a “jihad” or holy war to prevent Opposition leader Anwar returning to Parliament in a by-election this month.
“It is a jihad because the individual should not be given the chance to destroy the country’s political stability and prosperity,” its women’s wing deputy chief Shahrizat Jalil said according to the Star which was carried by MalaysiakiniSharizat (right), a former cabinet minister lost her seat in Parliament to Anwar’s daughter Nurul Izzah in landmark March elections that handed the opposition against the ruling coalition.
"If we allow him to lead the country, he would lead us to destruction,” she said as she launched the women’s wing campaign for the Aug 26 by-election in Anwar’s home state of Penang.
(Excerpts from Malaysiakini )
(Wow Shah-rizat sudah jadi seorang Jihadist. But errr Shah-jihad… ooops, I mean Shahrizat, why berjihad against Anwar? Do us a favour please before you declare war on anyone. Start your jihad against the corruption and rampant practice of money politics in Umno.)
Tok mommy,
Agreed. Shharizat should help clean up the mess in Umno - clean up her own party of rampant money politics (which her own VP admitted) before singsing lengan baju and declaring a holy war against Anwar.
Knowing where she coming from, she's the last person to wage jihad.
Kak Ijat kami masih ingat se4jarah kak Ijat. Pi jihad diri sendiri dulu sebelum berperang dengan orang lain.
Pleaselah dont stoop so low using religion to wage war against yr opponent.
This is really sick.
Just in order to stay in political power, this Shah-jihad can be so 'low' to treat a fellow muslim like this.
I share Shahrizat's call for struggle but to call it jihad ..... hmmmm
betui tu Tok Mom!
jihad tak bertempat..kalau depa jihad against corruption and the rot in UMNO and the gomen, the country wouldn't be in the state it is now....
what the hell is she talking about! I don't believe Anwar is a sodomist, but I don't believe that he should be Prime Minster either...sebab banyak cakap kosong je la...why don't they set up a a shadow cabinet and shadow and bug the BN gomen into line..make their live miserable enough to change...dunno lah...even then BN won't change kot...
jihad starts internally...start with UMNO and BN first lah Kak jat oi...I think they are still blind lah...unbelievably blind to the problems within.
Tak Perlu l;ah berjihad sekadar nak halang anwar. Anwar tu.....kalau memang lah rezeki dia dan ditakdirkan Allah menang....tetap menang. Sahrizat....kena jihad perbaiki diri sendiri dulu...tutup aurat lah elok-elok....setakat tutup rambut sikit-sikit...minah kat tel alviv pun tau....tak ade maknenye....jihad hapuskan rasuah dan penyelewengan dalam jentera pentadbiran kan lebih dekat di hati...buat yang tu dulu.....lagi pun, awak tu dah tinggal sejarah...berjihad utk perbaiki budi dan amalan agam jauh lebih sesuai tuk awak amalkan....
salam tok mommy...as a muslim..i think sharizat should do more study on islam...she should do her own jihad first....covering her aurat...in islam we have to obey the rules of Allah and no compromise..
Shahrizat obviously cannot get over her failure to retain the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat on 8 March 2008. What is worse, her loss was at the hands of a 27-year old newcomer, Nurul Izzah Anwar, who happens to be Anwar Ibrahim's daughter. That explains the jihad against Anwar. Gimme a break!
No need to declare "jihad" lah. Anyway, big thanks to you Tok Mommy for including my blog in your blog links, but it seems there's an error when clicking to it. A minor error with regard to the URL I guess. My link is http://lawyer-kampung.blogspot.com
Salam Tok Mommy. Keep up the good work!
Saya cadangkan Shahrizat berjihadkan harta yang beliau ada dan berikan galakkan kepada semua wanita, puteri UMNO supaya mengikuti nya.
Shahrizat juga boleh umumkan supaya semua wanita dan puteri UMNO tidak lupa berjihad untuk layan suami yang selalu keseorangan kerana mereka selalu pergi mesyuarat dan perjumpaan UMNO dan ini mengakibatkan ramai wanita dan puteri UMNO selalu "ponteng" kerja
Kalau di-biarkan berlarutan, keadaan suami2 akan kronik. Apa dia ingat suami tunggul kayu ke?...nak sabar dan puasa sepanjang masa.Oleh itu Jihad kearah yang dua ini amat sesuai dan tepat dilakukan oleh wanita dan puteri UMNO. GO Shahrizat GO!....
70 men await Sharizat in heaven
Tok mommy,
Pls explain the meaning of 'jihad' to us non-muslim from the Quran!
Don't they know that 'Though shall NOT use the name of ALLAH in vain'?
Better she clean & scrub maximum her UMNO & BN cabinet first!
Don't they think first before they open their dusty mouth..???
Tok mommy,
Pls explain the meaning of 'jihad' to us non-muslim from the Quran!
Don't they know that 'Though shall NOT use the name of ALLAH in vain'?
Better she clean & scrub maximum her UMNO & BN cabinet first!
Don't they think first before they open their dusty mouth..???
Tok Mommy,
Just wondering how she misuse the term Jihad and how she keeps contradicting herself. One instance she said "We hope there won’t be elements of fitnah-memfitnah (slander) and empty promises. It would be a campaign of good values (berhemah-tinggi) because our intentions are pure (suci)."
Then she goes to say "She said Barisan was expecting an aggressive battle, noting that PKR was known for its “violent traits”.
and followed by "She also said she did not see any reason why a by-election was needed as the people of Permatang Pauh had earlier chosen their candidate.
“Ini satu langkah takbur. (It is an arrogant move) It is troublesome to the voters and an exploitation,” she added.
Now, if these two statements are not fitnah-memfitnah I don't know what is.
wa 'alaikum salaam lawyer kampung,
I have been a silent reader of your blog, but have never left my footprint there.
Okay about the link. I have corrected it, but it seems yr blog appears twice on my blogroll.
I will leave them as they are in case I make a mistake of deleting both. Lol.
"If we allow him to lead the country, he would lead us to destruction,” she said.
Wow ! What a brilliant Jihadist. She just confirmed by the above statement that AMMO will be destroyed if AMWAR gets to lead us. In 'US' she literally meant AMMO and not the citizens as I'm for any govt that is not corrupt so that the billions can be better utilised for the masses benefits.
Wow! Am honoured! Now with 2 links in your blogroll. LOL. Thanks Tok Mommy.
Way to go Shah-jihad. Dun forget to jihad on the corruption and rampant practice in UMNO as well.
Anwar memang tak patut diberi peluang untuk jadi PM. Lepas dia keluar dari kandang Malaysia jadi huru hara. Kerja dia asyik menghasut saja. Dia terkenal sebagai 'Bapa Demonstrasi' yang tak habis2 mengajak rakyat untuk berdemo saja. Esok Malaysia akan penuh dengan demo yang akan menghuru hara kan keadaan. Campur lagi hubungan dia dengan US, lagi lah tak sedap hati memikirkannya.
Q37. All Malays are Moslems. (True or False)
Semua orang Melayu adalah Muslim. (Betul atau Salah)
Q50. Malaysian politicians are typical Jeyklls and Hydes. (True or False)
Ahli politik Malaysia melambangkan personality Jeyklls dan Hydes. (Betul atau Salah)
Answers at http://patek1472.wordpress.com
Jawapan di http://patek1472.wordpress.com
When all these bankrupt politicians who are still there by back-door entry have nothing else left to sell, they will play the Race and/or Religion card.
Maybe that molotov cocktail was really meant for her. hink about that!!
Tok mom,
Saya fikiaq, kak Ijat kena pi hadir semula kelas asas agama.
Itu gaya hidup pun dah lari dari ajaran Islam.
Kalau nak cakap fasai Jihad, kita mesti jadi contoh lebih2 lagi kalau kiat di seoghang pemimpin.
Mesti jadi Muslimah contoh. Baru boleh cakap fasai benda2 saperti jihad.
Tak mau cakap fasal personal, tapi oghang tengok kita based on perception, whether rightly or wrongly.
Ini apa hal tak tutup kepala? Itu dituntut oleh Agama.
So tolonglah jangan cakap fasai jihad, nanti kita sendighi malu.
Mana nak letak muka?
Hi Tok Mommy,
I truly appreciate Shah Rizat's notion to jihad. How about starting with the police, judiciary, ACA, Cabinet,local councils,GLC's, Entire parliament "habitants" and the whole of civil service. And also how about the public transport....
Please la friends,
Do you think Sharizat could do that? If she is so principled, the first thing she would have done was to fight against her own corrupt president. Did she?
Forget about Sharizat. Let’s talk about Pak Lah. He was regarded some 5 years ago as the cleanliest and most honest person. What is happening now? He is being branded as one of the most corrupt so much so his own party man has lodged a complaint on him at ACA.
I find this whole thing bemusing. My conclusion is that Pak Lah wanted be a good leader but he couldn’t as the whole UMNO is corrupted. It’s like a young girl was lured into prostitution ring. She did not want to be one but she has no choice as now she is one of them. She knows she can’t change them for good. So she has decided to take them down with her in her course. Pak Lah is just doing that now. He can’t change UMNO so he has decided to take them down and with him.
Anyone realize almost all actions and reactions of Pak Lah seem to be against the wishes of rakyat nowadays? Why? Why? Why? Mind boggling?
Utk PakLah..
Nasihatkan siJIN sentiasa mengamalkan tutup kepala...mahukah Pemimpin Negara digelar suami DAYUS ..
Tok mommy
Kak Ijat dan Abg Nuar sama je. Seorang budak MC, seorang budak TKC
Dua-dua anak mamak Penang.
biakpilah depa jihad sama.
Dua-dua perangai buruk.
Jihadkanlah diri masing-masing ya.
kak ton,
Does Shah-rizat aka shah-jihad know what she's talking about?
If she knew the implications, she would not have uttered the word. That's the problem when you are part of a moronic group of people. They exploit and use religion for their own political agenda.
And you become dumb like them. Mind you, she was a lawyer. Apa dah!
Dah kalah tu sudah lah. Ini nak jadi juara. Tapi silap langkah.
If she has nothing intelligent to say, she better shudup.
Memalukan kaum Hawa sahaja!
Laa Shahrizat, the woman of no principle.
Kalau aku jadi hang, aku tolak jawatan Pak Lah bagi kerana aku kalah dlm PRU12.
Hang kalau ada maruah diri tentu tak kan terima jawataan "penasihat" apakah tu yang setaraf dengan jawatan Menteri.
Apalah nak cakap fasal jihad. Tau tak makna jihad?
Pi jihad dalam wanita Umno yang tak amalkan demokrasi. Jawatan No 2 tak leh sapa2 bertanding. Adil kah tu?
Apa hal ahli wanita semua bodoh sangat?
dunia apa ni `perompuan`ooi?? i dont know why you all didnt have anything else better to do than to have this war and that war.. bila dah kalah ..please la dont revenge with this stupid act ... another bodowi act
Shah-jihad berjihad di bawah Imam Had-hari.
Kira tu boleh lah.
Bodohnya! Nak lepas geram kerana kalah pada Nurul Izzah?
Stupid is what stupid does!
DSAI, Are you someone with a vision burning inside that seeks to manifest? Do you see yourself as a visionary?
Visionary leaders are the builders of a new dawn, working with imagination, insight, and boldness. They present a challenge that calls forth the best in people and brings them together around a shared sense of purpose. They work with the power of intentionality and alignment with a higher purpose. Their eyes are on the horizon, not just on the near at hand. They are social innovators and change agents, seeing the big picture and thinking strategically.
What is it that makes a visionary become a visionary leader? A visionary may dream wonderful visions of the future and articulate them with great inspiration. A visionary is good with words. But a visionary leader is good with actions as well as words, and so can bring his vision into being in the world, thus transforming it in some way. More than words are needed for a vision to take form in today’s world. It requires leadership and heartfelt commitment.
There is a profound interconnectedness between the leader and the whole, and true visionary leaders serve the good of the whole. They recognize that there is some truth on both sides of most polarized issues in our society today. They search for solutions that transcend the usual adversarial approaches and address the causal level of problems. They find a higher synthesis of the best of both sides of an issue and address the systemic root causes of problems to create real breakthroughs.
A visionary leader is effective in manifesting his or her vision because he creates specific, achievable goals, initiates action and enlists the participation of others.
What are the qualities and abilities of true visionary leaders? What is the mysterious inner process within leaders that enables them to work their magic and radiate the charisma that mobilizes others for a higher purpose?
Visionary leadership is based on a balanced expression of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical dimensions. It requires core values, clear vision, empowering relationships, and innovative action. When one or more of these dimensions are missing, leadership cannot manifest a vision.
A commitment to values is an outstanding characteristic of all visionary leaders. They embody a sense of personal integrity, and radiate a sense of energy, vitality and will. Will is standing in a spiritual state of being. Will is a spiritual attribute, which allows a leader to stand for something.
More self-aware and reflective than others, visionary leaders follow an inner sense of direction, and lead from the inside out, as exemplified by Mahatma Gandhi. He said, “I must first be the change I want to see in my world.” He was a prime example of a commitment to values, as he freed India by appealing to the moral conscience of Britain and using non-violent action to reveal the immorality of the British Empire.
Rather than being corrupted by power, visionary leaders are elevated by power and exercise moral leadership. Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, embodies this type of moral leadership, as does Marion Wright Edelman, founder of the Children’s Defense Fund, who has a deep commitment to children’s welfare.
Visionaries who are successful at manifesting their visions base their leadership on an inspirational, positive picture of the future, as well as a clear sense of direction as to how to get there. Vision is a field that brings energy into form. Effective leaders broadcast a coherent message by themselves embodying their vision, as author Margaret Wheatley notes. They keep communicating the vision to create a strong field which then brings their vision into physical reality. Nelson Mandela clearly held a positive vision of a racially harmonious South Africa during his 28 years in jail and helped bring it into reality peacefully, to the amazement of the world.
The best visionary leaders move energy to a higher level by offering a clear vision of what is possible. They inspire people to be better than they already are and help them identify with what Lincoln called “the angels of their better nature”. This was the power of Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech. The creative power of lighted, inspired words can sound a certain inner note that people recognize and respond to. This then creates dramatic social change. Like King, visionary leaders have the ability to sense the deeper spiritual needs of followers and link their current demands to these deeper, often unspoken, need for purpose and meaning.
Visionary leaders often have the ability to see higher spiritual forces at work behind the scenes of events, and they align with the vision of these redemptive forces. Both George Washington and Winston Churchill spoke about the help they received from a “guiding hand”. Churchill said, “...we have a guardian because we serve a great cause, and we shall have that guardian as long as we serve that cause faithfully”.
Sojourner Truth, a former slave, was guided by an inner spiritual experience to preach the emancipation of slaves and women’s rights all over the country during the Civil War. President Anwar Sadat of Egypt had a vision of Mohammed who told him to create peace in the Middle East. This vision is the hidden story behind the Camp David Peace Treaty between Arabs and Israelis.
Visionary leaders transmit energy to people, giving them a new sense of hope and confidence in achieving the vision. Television host Oprah Winfrey helps her guests believe in themselves and work to create a better world.
Visionary leaders often enunciate a vision based on principles that become guideposts for humanity. They intuitively draw on the ageless wisdom and present it in a new synthesis to meet the particular need of the times. In the Brundtland Report, Gro Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway, helped synthesize the principles of sustainable development that are needed to protect our environment for future generations.
Good relationships are the heart of effective visionary leaders. They embody a deeply caring approach to people, seeing them as their greatest asset. Aaron Feuerstein, CEO of Malden Mills, kept all his employees on the payroll when a fire destroyed 75% of his factories. His employees were so grateful they helped him rebuild and within a year the company was more profitable than ever.
In contrast to the old style of leadership which tells people what to do, and pushes or dominates them, visionary leaders embody a receptive, as well as a dynamic energy. They know how to listen and learn from other points of view and have fine tuned their communications skills. Rita Bailey, Director of Southwest Airline’s University for People, says the secret of the airline’s amazing financial success is living by the golden rule: treating employees as family, with warmth and respect. Employees then treat customers the same way.
Visionary leaders promote a partnership approach and create a shared sense of vision and meaning with others. They exhibit a greater respect for others and carefully develop team spirit and team learning, Building this sense of shared vision and partnership has also been key to the effectiveness of feminist Gloria Steinem.
The most effective visionary leaders are responsive to the real needs of people and they develop participative strategies to include people in designing their own futures. This approach has been very successful for Robert Haas, the CEO of Levi Strauss. Rather than confront or avoid conflict, the new leaders have learned how to transform conflict into usable energy. They work to unite, rather than divide people.
Visionary leaders are especially noted for transforming old mental maps or paradigms, and creating strategies that are “outside the box” of conventional thought. They embody a balance of right brain (rational) and left brain (intuitive) functions. Their thinking is broad and systemic, seeing the big picture, the whole system, and “the pattern that connects.” They then create innovative strategies for actualizing their vision.
CNN founder Ted Turner transformed television news by boldly creating an around-the-clock international news network.
Visionary leaders anticipate change and are proactive, rather than reactive to events. Their focus is on opportunities, not on problems. They emphasize win/win, rather than adversarial win/lose approaches.
When we see a truly visionary leader accomplishing great things, he is drawing on the resources of their soul and its remarkable capabilities. Each of us can access our inner resources to become a more effective leader in our own field. First we must be willing to take initiative and stand for something we believe in passionately. We must be ready to take the heat. Many of us avoid the responsibility of leadership primarily because we are too sensitive to criticism. But when we know who we truly are and we live from an inner core of values, criticism can be filtered to take in only what is true and helpful to our growth.
Today, as we enter the Third Millennium, thousands of new visionary leaders are emerging in all fields of human endeavor around the world, leading a quiet revolution energized by power of the soul. By appreciating and supporting those who lead from their core spiritual values, we strengthen those leadership qualities in ourselves.
Corinne McLaughlin
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