Saturday, 26 July 2008

Police quiz Sivarasa on PI's statutory declaration

Lawyer R. Sivarasa spent almost four hours yesterday giving statement to the police on the ongoing probe into private investigator P Balasubramaniam. - Malaysiakini

Sivarasa was accompanied by his lawyer, Oh Choong Ghee, to the Commercial Crimes Investigation Department (CCID) in Jalan Dato Onn in Kuala Lumpur.

Speaking to reporters later, Sivarasa, who is the PKR vice-president and Subang MP said he was questioned about Balasubramaniam’s statutory declaration which linked Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

He said he was asked on Balasubramaniam's claim that he made his statutory declaration under duress.

Balasubramaniam had retracted the statutory declaration after just one day and stated that all allegations concerning the deputy premier were inaccurate.

“But I told them that he made it voluntarily and it was done truthfully,” he told reporters.

The contents of the first statutory declaration was revealed at a press conference called by PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Sivarasa said he informed the police of his confidence that the first statutory declaration was true and recorded voluntarily.

Malaysiakini (BM) - Akuan Bala: Sivarasa disiasat polis:

Peguam penasihat PKR dipanggil polis pagi ini berhubung siasatan akuan berkanun pertama penyiasat persendirian yang mengaitkan timbalan perdana menteri dengan pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Sivarasa Rasiah, yang juga naib presiden PKR, bagaimanapun berkata beliau tidak tahu-menahu sebab beliau disiasat tentang akuan P Balasubramaniam.

Peguam Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim itu berkata kemungkinannya kerana beliau pernah hadir di sidang media mengumumkan akuan yang menggemparkan itu pada awal bulan ini - termasuk mendakwa Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengadakan hubungan seks dengan wanita Mongolia itu. Full report click here

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