All the 136 backbenchers and opposition MPs - the Cabinet members were not included - were briefed for over two hours about their rights and benefits as MPs.
The election results have created several firsts in the Dewan Rakyat. It will have:
* the largest number of first-time MPs - 99 or 45% of the total number of MPs
* the largest number of opposition members - 82 of the 222 MPs are from opposition parties.
* the first mother-and-daughter team of MPs - Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail (PKR-Permatang Pauh) and Nurul Izzah Anwar (PKR-Pantai Dalam).
* the first woman Opposition Leader - Wan Azizah

"They should avoid making sexist remarks or use words that hurt the feeling of others," he said.
Wan Azizah, when met after the briefing, said Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will have its first secretariat meeting on Monday (April 7).
How much an MP gets
Salary: RM6,508 (tax-free)
Other perks:
RM1,200 monthly driver's fee
RM5,000 computer allowance per term
RM1,500 handphone allowance every three years
RM900 monthly phone bill allowance
RM300 daily meeting allowance (RM100 for food and other expenses)
RM 1,500 monthly entertainment allowance
Pix 1 : Mother and daughter team - First woman Opposition leader Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and daughter Nurul Izzah Anwar at Parliament.
Pix 2 : Tian Chua and Khairy Jamaluddin attend parliament briefing.Source: The Sun
hmm...if this is the salary scale, how come some of them live like billionaires ? M.Kate
First-time MP Nurul Izzah looks so cool and calm next to her mum.
Wish you all the best. Kak Wan too, as the new Opposition leader in Parliament.
Nurul Izzah - charming, a beauty with brain. She's like a breath of fresh air. I believe she will do well with guidance from mom and dad.
I'm proud of her.
The package looks attractive. But it's definitely not enough to run a parliamentary constituency. If he may have two offices to service his constituents. Rentals, staff and overheads take the bulk of his allowances. There are also unforseen expenses from time to time like giving money to help some one in need.
Yeah, am also wondering how some of them can live like multimillionaires.
i was a banker and earned more than RM6k and still couldn't afford luxuries. how do these umno MPs can afford to buy 'unsangkerebel' things? no perfect answers than corruption, lies, lies and lies. We muslims don't need umno!
Salam Tok,
Salahnya orang kita jugak,segala macam hal diletak atas bahu MP.Banjir,rumah terbakar,anak lari rumah,nak kawin pun mintak duit MP.
This kind of mentality must stop.
'Never borrow nor lender be.'
Thus,the MP want to be popular and 5 years term is not sufficient.What goes out must comes in to meet the constituency need.
Yes each MP's were allocated RM1 million as contigency fund to embark a community project and needy.
However some MP or ADUN does not even have Pust Khidmat ADUN.
Some MP does not look eye with their ADUN thus problem lagi to get things done.
Some MP of an area is not Ketua Bahagian of the area.Thus bricking among local who should be elected and represent leads to internal bricking.
Akhirnya rakyat juga yang susah.
Some MPs are in for real but some a pain in the a**,
Classic example Ex Jasin and ex Kinabatangan.
Some MP's dont deserve to be MP'S,look at the attendence sheet.
Level argument and substance of argument is not to the mark.
We rakyat need the best but not nessary from impressive qualified MP's.
We rakyat is not color blind Tok.
'Sejentik ikan dilaut udah kenal Jantan- Betina nya'
lantaklah cuma now i want all teh promises to selangor since dah menang pun. where are the promises. tak tunaikan mext time, i won't vote for you. heheh .....
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